E01 Ram Leela
Price: $35.00In this episode, we witness birth of Lord Ram and the time he defeated the evil Tadka and her sons.
E02 Ram Leela
Price: $35.00In this episode, we witness Lord Rama's victory during the Swayamvar where he receives her lawfully wedded Wife
E03 Ram Leela
Price: $35.00In this episode, Lord Bharat is offered the Throne of Ayodhya while Lord Ram is sentenced to exile for 14 years.
E04 Ram Leela
Price: $35.00In this episode, Lord Ram refuses to return to Ayodhya after the demise of his beloved Father - King Dasaratha and is adamant to carry out his father's command of living in exile for 14 years.
E05 Ram Leela
Price: $35.00In this episode, Lord Raavan learns that Lord Ram, Sita and Laxman residing in a forest insults his only sister Surpanakha and hatches a plan to take the revenge