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Punjabi Beats

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Quick Overview

It is an exciting new show where we showcase the cool, new Punjabi music scene! From the seductive notes to upbeat tunes,  Punjabi Beats  contains heart-warming, freshly created, exclusive Punjabi Songs.

Price: $0.00


  • Punjabi Beats | 3 Episode(s)

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  • Audio Files
  • Bit Rate
    180 kbps
  • Episode Duration
    3 Mins
  • Target Audience
    18 Yrs-60 Yrs


Shagna Di Rutt

Price: $10.00
The song is a ballad about the journey of a girl from meeting her significant others parents to the day she gets married and the song title itself means ‘Night of events’ which pretty much describes the biggest day in a person’s life that is their Wedding day.


Price: $10.00
This song describes a girl who is dreaming about confessing her love to her lover. She calls him the apple of her eye and says that she loves him so much that she can’t even think of living a life without him in sight.


Price: $10.00
The song is basically a breakup song wherein the girl has finally made up her mind to stop defending the ill treatment her significant other has done on her and she finally has stopped taking the blame for the mistakes of her partner’s wrong doings.
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